- About BreakoutHub -

BreakoutHub is a Slack app that enables users to create breakout rooms. Once created, the lobby for the breakout is posted publically in the Slack channel designated, with a time until the breakout starts. Members of the channel can freely join (or leave) the lobby until the lobby closes. At that time users who have joined are sorted into chat rooms up to an amount of users determined by the host (2 to 8 users per room). The sorting process evaluates when all participants were last grouped together, favoring grouping participants who have never been grouped or grouped longer ago.

Uses for breakout rooms in Slack.

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Team Meetings

Add a twist to your team meetings by breaking into smaller groups for updates, brainstorming and learnings.

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Easily split up your training group for participational exercises.

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Enable brainstorming sessions where everyone is empowered to share their opinions due to smaller group sizes.

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Virtual Conferences

Get closer to an in-person experience. Host content discussion breakouts, hallway chats between sessions and breakfast table groups to start the day.

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Facilitate networking events (speed networking, virtual coffee, virtual lunch) within existing peer groups to strengthen relationships, across related roles to deepen understanding, or organization wide to foster culture.

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Team Building

Trivia groups, show & tell, desert island, two truths & a lie. There are countless activities that are more involving with a participant cap.